
Showing posts from July, 2018

Monthly Newsletter - Issue 9 - July 2018

Hey! I know I'm five days late. We've been super busy over at Craft and STEM. Our final inspection happened today, and we passed! The shop will officially be open on Tuesday, July 10. Head over to for all the exciting details! Colt's 7th birthday is this weekend, and we're having a party for him at the shop on Saturday, July 7. It will also function as an open house/sneak peak, because I love to multitask. Please feel free to stop by between 2 and 5 pm for cake, food and a tour! Anyhow. June just flew by, as it does when you're working hard. Here are some highlights: Honey B came home! Grandmommy visited for a few days. She is so helpful around the shop! Not a fan of the ponytail. Lots of trips to the pool. And to the Ikea. The kids and I surprised my dad for Father's Day weekend (also his birthday) by showing up in Twin Falls without warning. It was fabulous! I just love hanging out with my niblings. Max <