Monthly Newsletter - Issue 8 - June 2018

Holy crap, y'all. Was anyone else's May as crazy as mine? I kinda doubt it.

I couldn't be happier about it, though, because it's exactly what I want to do! I don't have to answer to anyone, I don't have to pretend like I care because I actually DO care. Being my own boss is exactly what I always dreamed it would be.

The shop is getting so close to being ready to open! The pottery equipment all arrived this week, so the only thing holding us back at this point is the plumbing, which is complicated. Still, we're hoping to be open before July. I was going to include a bunch of photos from the shop, but then I realized it has its own website that needs to be filled with content, so stay tuned for May in Review over at

May wasn't only work, regardless of what it looks like. Two of my nephews have birthdays in May, plus Mother's Day, Lil Boy's last day of school was the 25th, and Honey B arrived yesterday.
photo credit: Grandmommy

This lil gal <3
I got to surprise my mom by showing up for Mother's Day. It was a really excellent weekend in ID. Which, by the way, is home to an alligator. No, seriously. 

Miracle Hot Spring's resident danger log
Miracle Hot Springs was awesome, as was the look of surprise on my mom's face when she saw that Lil Boy and I were there. I had to spoil the surprise for my dad a few days before, to make sure that there was room for us to stay with them; he told me first thing that she had been lamenting the fact that we weren't going to be there on their way, and it took everything he had not to say anything. There's nothing quite like a good surprise.

Oh, and it wasn't even the only one! We also surprised my lil sis, who is due to have her second baby in July, with a baby shower in Sun Valley.

So fortunate to call these ladies family <3
My nephew was also born on Mother's Day, and turned 6 this year on Mother's Day.

We had a bomb chocolate cake, made by my incredibly talented sister in law.

Decadent doesn't even begin to describe it
My family is pretty awesome, it's true.

After that excitement, we had more excitement in the form of the last day of school.

Roby, our bus driver, says it was the cutest card he's ever received. Mission accomplished!
And, of course, the annual opening of the pool.

So ready.
All in all, May was a very exciting month! June is looking like an even more exciting one, too. So, look forward to that! 

Thanks for reading, y'all. You're the best!

~The NWB


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