Periodic Update - Replacing the Monthly Newsletter

The monthly newsletter thing lasted 11/12 months. I'm calling it a win, and we're back to our sporadically scheduled periodic updates.

We've been hustling over at Craft & STEM, and we've been seeing results. If you build it, they will come. And though the flow is really still a trickle, it's picking up. I'm channeling all of my panic over cash flow (and there's a lot, trust me) into even more ways to hustle hustle HUSTLE! The problem, as ever, is finding time to fit it all in. Today's update is brought to you by:

The first day off I've taken in...uh...some time.

Like, actually staying at home in my new pjs (thanks, momma!) and pretending that I'm going to get housework done, but mostly still working from home on my computer for just another hour until it's time for bed. You know, entrepreneurial stuff. No rest for the weary, I mumble into my fourth cup of coffee. Truth be told I was planning on running all my errands today, but I'm sick and losing my voice so NOPE. Pajama time it is. I'm half relieved, half annoyed. I wanted to shop and start working on a turkey dinner we didn't get to have for Thanksgiving last week, and we were going to go get a Christmas tree for the shop. That's all going to have to wait until....??? TBD.

Even though our plans for dinner got ruined, I did get to see and hug every one of my siblings (though, sadly, not all of my siblings-in-law) over the course of the weekend, and I saw nearly all of my paternal cousins (which very RARELY happens) because my sweet abuela is turning 90, so all in all I'm happy about it.

My family is responsible for 8/10 of her great grandchildren, and not all of them were stoked on the picture taking.

The holiday started with my sisters & momma running a 5K on Thanksgiving morning. I don't run, but I supported the heck out of them!
Voted Best Team Manager EVER by my mom.

Handmade uniforms included custom shirts and tutus

They looked awesome and are awesome.

I got to hang out with my newest nibling, Sir A-a-ron, who is the chillest baby ever.

Everything about this baby is perfect. He is the perfect baby.

So, thanks for reading this edition of Periodic Update. I've been your host, Jessica B, and you've been the best. Love you all!!

~The NWB


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