Periodic Update: What even is 2020?

Sooooooooooooo over it, you all. Seriously. This was legitimately a conversation I had with the hubby recently:

Him: There's an asteroid that could hit the earth in November.

Me:...I kind of hope it does.

Like, might as well. But in true 2020 fashion, it's not fucking big enough to do any damage anyway. Fuck you, 2020. You never fail to disappoint me in new and creative ways. I mean, on top of the current social/political clusterfuck in this country, we've got FIRE TORNADOS and two goddamn hurricanes. Let's not even talk about the 17 year old white nut case. I can't even with that rn. I'm embarrassed to live here, and that's the fucking truth.

Preach, Dwight. Preach.

Okay so everything sucks, but there are some rays of sunshine out there. Like, for example, I looked for a job for a bit and submitted a few applications here and there and then boom. I have a job now. And! It's not even one that I have to take out of desperation where I have to do stuff in which I have no interest (ahem, customer service). Nope, it's a legitimately challenging and interesting job that is going to serve me well in my own life, and one at which I will work from the comfort of my own home. Basically, it's perfect for me.

The company is tiny, which I find appealing for so many reasons, not the least of which being the growth opportunity. It's run by a bunch of men, of course, but they're hard working folk from Utah so, like, they my people whether or not we agree on everything outside of work. I had to train in the office this week, which is 30 miles north of me, so I got to know them a little bit. They're young, but they might as well be generic knock-offs off my brothers. They're adorable. It's ironic, actually, that I took a job at a company headquartered so far north, because I actually hate that county north of here allllllmost as much as I hate the one south of here (you know which one). That's another great thing about the pandemic; work from home is now the norm. I like that. Let's keep it.

So, there's one ray of goodness in 2020. Something something something a broken clock, am I right? The other rays of goodness in this world are my family, with whom I have been greatly pleased and slightly ashamed to break quarantine with this summer. Our parents are 100% the best people on this planet for how well they've taken care of us. Recovery has been and still is hard, but we're getting through it day by day. I know for sure we wouldn't be doing it without them, nor without you. If you're reading this, I love you dearly! And you're almost certainly someone who knows me personally so I MEAN IT. I love you, and if you have memes share them bc they're literally how I'm coping with it all. 

Lil Boy is doing well; he has officially started school, but hasn't attended a class yet. He'll be distance learning, of course, because the kids started school on Monday and I got an email from the district admonishing parents for sending their sick kids to school on THURSDAY. Which is more or less what I expected. Lil Boy hasn't attended any classes yet because the computers aren't ready from last year and I still don't have any login information. But you know what? I'm not stressing about it or tryna be a pain in his teacher's ass because it's literally unprecedented times, folks. And while I'm not "homeschooling" necessarily, I'm counting cooking as chemistry class and cleaning as home ec. COUNT IT.

Okay so my attention span is wearing thin, as I'm sure yours is. It's hard to focus on anything, and if you made it this far give yourself a pat on the back because I almost didn't even make it while writing the damn thing. I'll leave you with my new jam:


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