Monthly Newsletter - Issue 2 - December 2017

Holy crap, y'all. It's December. I swear it was just June, like, yesterday.

November was an exciting month, full of all the things I love to do. Not having to wake up at the asscrack of dawn is fantastic, and being my own boss is everything I've ever wanted. Being able to see my baby off to school each morning, and picking him up in the afternoon (most days) has surely perplexed the bus driver (he hasn't asked about it or anything, though, so I guess he just assumes correctly), but I love it. Having hours to focus on my own work, doing exactly whatever floats my boat; it's seriously the best thing ever. I'll never, ever give up this freedom.

You're probably going to be shocked to learn that I did a LOT of pottery in November. You're not? Well, then, you know me. I finished the Pot Bellied Tea Mugs for my sister, and took on my very first pottery commission project (which, I just realized, I never actually published anything about yet; I've only been hoarding the photos apparently, but if you follow me on instagram then you know). In the last week of November I got to work on pottery for my own collection, created a catalog of commissionable work for a possible project, and compiled a couple pottery videos for my YouTube channel. One of those videos even has music! Very exciting.

Also, my status as unemployed did not even last 25 days; I got hired on as an office assistant at the pottery studio. I filled out a U4 for the first time since 2005, and earned legit wages last week.The day after Thanksgiving was my first day in the office at the studio, then I hosted Friendsgiving on that Sunday.

Served on handmade flatware, obvs.
December is always crazy, and this year is likely to be no different even though I don't have a full time job. We'll be spending the holiday at my parents' newly constructed home in ID, but we can't leave town until Christmas Eve because of my pottery studio gig. Shortly after Christmas, my step-daughter and mother-in-law will be in town for a week or so, during which I'm pretty sure my son will already be back in school.

My son is very excited about Christmas this year, so I think that helped me get in the spirit a bit earlier than usual. We bought a new fake tree this year, because the lights on my old, tiny, tinsel tree went out last year. Big Lots FTW with the pre-lit Cashmere tree.
Red & purple color scheme, bc why not?
I'm really looking forward to spending all the time this holiday season with my family, and working like crazy to make my self-employment dreams come true. 

Thanks for reading, y'all. I hope your holiday season is as beautiful and full of joy as mine is sure to be!

~The NWB


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