Monthly Newsletter - Issue 3 - January 2018

Happy New Year! I dunno about you, but I'm so glad that 2017 is over. Good riddance to bad rubbish!

That being said, let's review December 2017 real quick: I literally spent the month crocheting 12 socks (6 pairs) for a dear friend, and working at my new job (more on that in a minute). I had never made socks before, and it was a process. I used a D-hook for the first eight, and I regret it immensely. I moved up to an F-hook for the last four, and they went a bit faster. I was up until 2:30 am on Christmas Eve's Eve finishing them.
The variegated pattern was unique on each one. I love that!
Yarn birth: when your ball of yarn gives birth to smaller balls of yarn.

Candy was by my side a lot of the time, and particularly liked this sock.

Finally done.
Obligatory artsy photo.

I also finished the rest of the Pet Mugs, about which I will be blogging and making a video soon enough.

I spent Fridays, Saturdays and some other weekdays in December at the studio, working in the office and getting to know the ropes. My boss (aka my pottery instructor) is either easily impressed or I'm smarter than most, because she could not stop raving about how awesome it is to have someone competent to help her out. I'll be the only one in the office this week, in fact, because she'll be out of town. So, wish me luck!

We spent Christmas with my family in Idaho at my parents' new home. It is half mile away from the ramp Evel Knievel used to jump the Twin Falls gorge. It's beautiful out there.

My new phone does panoramic photos.

I ushered in the new year with my hubby, standing out on the porch in the cold listening to our neighborhood ring it in with cowbells and fireworks.

I am so excited for what is to come this year. For the first time since I became an adult, I am not facing another year of being employed full time, working toward someone else's goals. Nope. This year is about what I want to do, and I am going to do it! I'm not huge on resolutions (bc I suck at seeing them through, like everyone), but I am going to set some this year.

1. Stop listening to doubt and fear.
These two things actively keep me from achieving the things I want to achieve. I'm resolving to no longer give them that power.

2. Focus!
I struggle with a short attention span. I'm working on it.

3. Self love
This is something I have never really taken seriously, but I am starting to understand how important it really is. I don't have a desk job anymore, and I am 100% in control of my schedule. So, I no longer have excuses not to take care of myself physically and mentally. I'll be working on that a lot this year.

 4. Werk, bitch!
C & I have big plans for the future, and 2018 is the year we lay the groundwork for our empire. Carrying out our plan is going to take work and all of the above. I'm ready!

I hope you all had an amazing holiday season, too! Thanks for reading, and Happy New Year!



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