More Polar Fleece

I hinted last week in the Cotton Hemp post that I'd also found some other awesome crafting supplies at Tuesday Morning while I was on vacation earlier this month. Hope you haven't been holding your breath or anything for the reveal! I was finally able to do something about this great find over the weekend, so without further ado here it is:

The Tuesday Morning where I usually shop hasn't had pre-cut fleece pieces in stock at all since I started scouring its crafting shelves. I've been able to pick up flannel in 1.5 yd pieces (which are amazing and will be turned into a quilt eventually), but it took leaving the state to find these two pieces of heaven. Of course I couldn't resist them. Y'all may not be aware of my skull obsession, but the struggle is real. Also, Halloween is my absolute favorite (Christmas what? Pshaw). Since there were two pieces in stock at the time, I bought them both with the intention of making a tie blanket, because what else is there to do with polar fleece? (I know, there's lots to do with it. That was rhetorical.)

In the weeks since my vacation ended I've barely had time to breathe, much less put a blanket together. For some strange reason my 3 year old has decided that sleeping until 9 a.m. on Mom's days off is overrated, so my usual early-morning crafting sessions have been cut short of late. Which is even more annoying because I've been dying to use the new cutting mat and rotary cutter I purchased a while back.

So, on this last Friday morning I gave it a shot. I got out the mat, the cutter and the fabric after spending a good 15 minutes clearing off my workspace (aka the dining room table). This is about as far as I got:

Lil Boy showed up before I could get through one of the four sides, so the project had to be put on hold...yet again. Seriously, though, I'm in love with my rotary cutter and the self-healing mat (HOW DOES IT DO IT???). I was honestly a bit skeptical that it'd work to get through both layers of fleece, but my skepticism was unfounded. It cut through them both like butter.

Thankfully, I was able to get to it and finish the blanket after he went to bed on Saturday night. I've probably made at least 10 of these tie blankets in my life, and this is by far my most favorite.

And of course it's the one I won't get to keep. I photographed it on Sunday night and got it listed on etsy Monday morning so as to resist the temptation to add it to our already-impressive collection of blankets (most of which are ones that I made - my husband doesn't worry about us going cold after the apocolypse).

More of these to come, most likely, if I can continue finding such good deals on the materials. If you don't know the joys of a no-sew polar fleece tie blanket, you are missing out on one of the truly divine simple pleasures in life!

Thanks for looking, Loves!
Always Yours,


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