Pot Bellied Tea Mugs & Saucers - Greenware

The story behind the mugs I'll be blogging out about today actually starts way back in 2010, when I made a set of pot bellied beer mugs for my younger brother.

Seen here, circa 2016 with said mug, and fleece-lined crochet wool beanie also made by yours truly.

I had been doing pottery for two years at that point, and I haven't seen them since. I'm sure they're not completely terrible, but they're definitely heavy and uneven, and the feet are most likely very chunky. 

They are, however, awesome enough to impress my lil sister when she spent some time at his house recently. The next time I saw her, for a girls' weekend in October, she asked me to make her some similar to them for tea. Being that I am highly in favor of drinking tea and encouraging others to do so, I wholeheartedly agreed, and I got to work on them straight away.

The fourth one didn't get photographed, apparently. I'll have to get one of all four before they go onto the greenware shelf, which is likely going to be on Tuesday. They all got handles that were slab rolled, cut and then pulled a little bit. They're all fairly dramatic, actually. You can see a couple of them in the following videos, along with the carving because I can tolerate a blank clay surface about as well as I can tolerate a blank piece of paper. Which is to say, not at all.

Oh, and I modified the foot into feet, because I love that these days. Also, as you can probably tell, I am a little bit obsessed with mandala designs. They're so much fun to draw and carve, and all my classmates are super impressed with my ability to freehand, which makes me feel a lot better about my skills.

Oh, these guys all got saucers, too!

They got all trimmed up and signed on Wednesday.
They're not exactly the same, but then again, handmade pottery rarely is. These were thrown off the hump, so the fact that they're even a little bit the same size is pretty excellent. They may or may not also get mandala designs, depending on time.

I'll be spending a ton of time there this coming week; as much as I can, honestly, because I've got a commission project of 30 mugs that I am only 1/3 of the way through. Time is of the essence! I'm trying to get them finished before Christmas, but it's out of my hands as far as the firing schedule goes. So, wish me luck! And stay tuned for updates on that project, and others, that are coming sooooooon!

Thanks for reading!
~The NWB


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