Ring Dishes

Hand-drawn mandala designs are my favorite way to decorate clay

Hey, y'all! My first batch of mandala plates came out of the kiln last week, and I am so pleased with them. There were seven dishes and two ring cones in this latest batch, and they are all for sale! As of the original publishing of this post (Feb 2018), I haven't listed them on Etsy yet, but that'll happen soon. So, if you want to scoop one or more of  these beauties up for $18 a piece* beforehand (free domestic shipping!), details about ordering are at the end of this post. Rings not included.

Blue #1: *This one is $15, due to the lack of mandala design

Blue #2

Blue #3, deeper than the other two.
The Celedon blue turned out really well on all three of these dishes this go round. It has been very thin lately, so I was careful to get two solid coats on, and well into those carving lines.

Clear #1

Clear #2

Simple clear glaze never fails to disappoint on these hand-carved mandala designs.

I used the two ring cones as test tiles for a glaze combination that I knew would result in an awesome, deep red. I couldn't quite remember in which order the two different glazes should be applied to get the desired effect, so I put one over the other on one dish, and vise versa on the second. To my delight, they both turned out beautifully.

Above, Ring Cone #1, we see what happens when Reitz Green is applied over Vivika's Strawberry. This was not the effect I was going for, but I absolutely love the sea foam green result of the overlap. 10/10 will experiment with this combo & application order again.

Only one of those rings has a real gem in it. I'll let you wonder which one.

Thanks to this process, I now know that Vivika's Strawberry over Reitz Green results in the deep red color I wanted. Behold Ring Cone #2:

The kiln did not quite reach temperature, and as a result the Celedon Green - usually THE most reliable glaze - didn't result in the expected translucent light green. Instead, it's a semi-translucent olive green and honestly? I'm not even mad. These two pieces are beautiful (which is why I opted not to have them fired again).

Green #1

Green #2

To order before the upcoming Etsy update: 

Send an email with the subject line RE: Ring Dish to thenorthwesternbelle@gmail.com. Specify which of the items you'd like to purchase, indicate your preferred payment method: Venmo, Google Wallet, or PayPal, and include your full name & shipping address. I'll send you back an invoice, and your item will be shipped within 24 hours of payment.

Need more handmade shenanigans in your life? As of March 1, 2018 I am taking small commission orders for pottery, crochet, textiles and handmade greeting cards! Please feel free to put me to work to satisfy your craving for custom artwork & functional pottery.

Thanks for reading & buying, y'all. Your support makes a tangible difference in my life, and I am very, very grateful for it!

~The NWB


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