Monthly Newsletter - Issue 6 - April 2018

I intentionally put off publishing this month's newsletter because I was hoping to share good news on about....yesterday. As is the case so far, though, there are yet more delays. So, I guess I'll just go ahead and stop teasing y'all, seeing as it has been six months since I gained financial independence (hey, thanks past-self, devising an easy way to keep track!), and we are soooooooo close to completing step 1 of our master plan.

You see, we are trying to secure a lease on a building with sufficient power for our needs. We've been actively looking at properties and working with commercial realtors and electricians since January to find a place, and we've been held up by the lack of sufficient amperage in anything less than 10,000 square feet. So far we have only come across one property, in desperate need of upgrade (seriously, crumbling) in a shady part of downtown, that was already equipped with more than enough power.

Everything else has been barely enough, and we'd have to pay for any and all upgrades. Oh yeah, and we'd more than likely have to pay to put it back the way we found it when the lease is up or when we're ready to upgrade. At this point, though, I'm allllmost willing to take on that risk and responsibility because getting up and running is the most important thing. Next to staying within budget.

The good news is, we are currently looking at a place and a lease has been offered to us, but (there's always a but) we can't sign until we get confirmation that the amperage is good. We now have a second electrician looking at the property and our demands, and we've reconsidered some of the equipment that we'll be using for the umpteenth time. This one has worked on the building before, apparently, and he did an upgrade about 10 years back for something similar to what we'll be doing.

So, fingers crossed we can make it work with this particular location, because it's already laid out pretty much perfectly, and, by pure chance, its overall square footage exactly matches the very first, hypothetical floor plan we put together back in December. Weird, right? Everything about it is perfect, and I'm really, really hoping we can make the electricity work, too.

I know y'all are rooting for us, and we appreciate it more than words. We're making this happen one way or another, sooner now than later we'll be unveiling the project for realsies. So far it has involved a lot of waiting, so I've been distracting myself being crafty and getting muddy. Last week was the lil one's Spring Break, and we got out of town for a few days, which was really nice. He went back to school today; we're back to the regular schedule (yay!), so we'll just hurry up and keep waiting.

Thanks for reading!

~The NWB


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