Free Recipe! Sticky Slutty Brownies

I know, I know. I don't usually post recipes, but this particular one totally warrants it. You may have heard of Slutty Brownies already; chocolate chip cookie dough topped with oreos topped with brownies, baked together for ridiculous amounts of sugar energy. They are delicious! My Sticky Slutty Brownies take it a step further, though, by including caramel sauce between the oreos and the brownies. Go big or go home, that's how we do.

So, I guess you could probably go the extra mile and make your own chocolate chip cookie dough and brownies. My family's chocolate chip cookie recipe can't be beat, but in this case I find it more convenient to use the pre-made, refrigerated variety from the store. Same goes for the brownie mix. I went with a Family size Betty Crocker boxed brownie mix. Betty never lets me down. I lucked out this go-round and ended up with cookie dough and brownie mix that called for the same baking temperature, 350 degrees. I'd love to tell you that was by design, but it was honestly just lucky. If you end up with different cooking times, I default to the higher one and watch its progress closely.

Also, I'm all about improvisation when it comes to creating sugary delights. I realize that baking is an exact science, but a little experimenting with different layers in this case isn't going to kill anyone (probably). In previous renditions, I've used chewy caramels instead of the caramel sauce; it took forever to unwrap them all one at a time. I've also put Hershey's Hugs into the brownie mix for a little extra something something. The possibilities are really endless, so give it a shot and see what you like. I bet they'd be even more amazing with peanut butter! Or if you're into it, doublestuff oreos could be used (I'm one of those weird people who prefers the regular stuff oreos).

So, without further ado, the recipe.

Sticky Slutty Brownies:

1 Box brownie Mix (enough for a 9X13 pan)
Chocolate chip cookie dough (one tube store-bought or one batch home-made)
Oreos (full box)
1 stick butter
1 cup brown sugar

Preheat oven according to brownie mix instructions--the one I used called for 350 degrees. Coat sides and bottom of 9 x 13 glass baking dish with cooking spray. Press raw cookie dough into pan, spreading as evenly as possible. Add single layer of oreos on top of cookie dough.

Prepare brownie mix according to instructions. Set aside. In small pot over medium heat melt butter and brown sugar together until boiling, stirring frequently. Allow to boil for one full minute; remove from heat and poor directly onto oreos. Spread over the cookies while caramel is still hot. Allow to set for 5 to 10 minutes.
Oh yes.

Pour the brownie mix down over the cookies and caramel sauce, spread to edges of the pan. Bake until sharp knife or toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean. In my oven at 350, that took 45 minutes. Remove from oven and allow to cool for at least a few minutes....if you can wait that long.

I made this batch for a potluck at work, so they cooled overnight, and we broke into them around 11 am today. Honestly I was pretty surprised that they didn't get attacked before that. I cut them into rather large portions because YUM.
Death by Sugar. Glorious, delicious death.

One of the Slutty Brownie virgins on my team declared them to be "the best brownies I've ever had." I'll take it!

Thanks for looking, Loves!
Always Yours,


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