
I really love my current schedule.

At my real job, I work Sunday through Wednesday, 10 hours shifts. This gives me Thursday, Friday and Saturday off each week, which is seriously fantastic. I usually manage to get some crafting in each weekend, but it's not often as much as I'd like. Between cleaning my house (a constant struggle), my three-year-old and the hubby, I'm lucky to actually finish any projects.

This weekend the bestie and I decided it was time for a craftathon, and we went for it on Friday. She spent most of the day cutting fabric for a commissioned quilt. I spent most of the day organizing my crafting headquarters (aka, the living room). I don't have a before picture because it was really bad before, but here's the after:

Yeah, that's the massive ripple blanket that I've been working on for about a's 99.9% finished. It's going to be done soon.....

Anyhow. I managed to compress all of my finished handmade product into one (on the left) and get some afghans & way too many work-in-progresses condensed into the tub on the right. The boxes below are also filled with NWB stuff, and so is the top shelf of my bedroom closet. The good news is that it looks a tad more under-control now that everything isn't spread out across three different brown cardboard boxes and various bags of yarn and other miscellaneous crafting supplies.

I also spent a chunk of time on Friday photographing a bunch of new products, mostly of the Halloween persuasion, but also all of the pottery I had on hand. It's only been sitting around for about three years. Sentimental though I am about it, it's time to let it go. I'd like very much to go back to making pottery on a regular basis. That can only happen if I'm making the money to support it! So, stay tuned for the official launch of the NWB's wheel-thrown pottery line.

Friday night concluded with my first go at some freeform crochet flames, which will be attached to the quilt that my bestie is making (it's a night sky scene with a camp awesome is that? Pics to come when it is finished!).

Not too shabby, if I do say so myself! I might have to make more fire out of fiber. It's a lot of fun!

Saturday was also a crafty day. I broke out my birthday gifts from the hubby and got to painting some glass!
That, my friends, is the definition of spoiled.

He knows me so well. And he really believes that painted glass could be a big seller for me. I'm a bit sad to say that the Martha Stewart glass paints didn't turn out as opaque as I had hoped they would on the clear glass. You can just barely see the crab on that glass piece above. It's done with a MS silk-screen glass stencil and the red paint, applied with the squeegee. Maybe I'll have more luck with sponges? The blue did the same thing when I used it to put sea plant patterns on the back. I will probably end up re-doing the whole thing; I wanted the colors to pop! Currently you can barely see them. UPDATE: Turns out the hubby bought transparent filler...which I woulda realized if I had actually read the labels. So...take two to come!

So, not 100% successful, but I'm calling the weekend a success because not only did I get a lot of crafting done, I also managed to clean it all up afterwards! And I got to hang out with my bestie for a good 12 hours, so that is a success in and of itself.

Stay tuned for all the awesome Halloween stuff that's coming soon! I'm trying to get everything up and listed before Oct 1 =D

Thanks for looking, Loves!
Always Yours,


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